How flying car air traffic could work.

In my last post, I talked about flying cars and how they are becoming a reality. Now, let’s jump forward in time a few years, to where we have flying cars.

In my own little wishful-thinking future, we have flying cars with wings that need runways to takeoff. We have been using the roads for takeoff for a few days now. But we have a problem.

Unlike normal roads, which have one side of the street going one direction and the other side doing the opposite, we can’t put lines in the sky. We also can’t put stoplights and speed limit signs in mid-air either.

Without these things, people would be crashing into one another, and there could possibly be an average of 20,000 deaths per day in the US (There’s approximately 13,000 deaths every day as of now).

Then we have another problem: landing and taking off. There’s a reason  runways are so long, it’s because it takes about 4 or 5 minutes to slow down.

But I have a solution to all of this: autopilot.

Autopiloted flying cars could reinvent traveling. What you would do is get in your flying car, enter in the address of the person you are visiting, and sit back and do the rest.

The only problem is that all the other flying cars would have to be hooked up to the same system, so that your flying car would know where all the other flying cars are, and be able to avoid them.

Taking off and landing would be easier, too. The autopilot would find the nearest flat road, land there, and drive the rest of the way to your friend’s house.

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